Dr. Katie Corazzo
Naturopathic Doctor
Katie Corazzo
Naturopathic Doctor
Women, men, and their children looking for integrative health care can find natural treatments and preventative options with Dr. Katie. She is a family practitioner specializing in Natural Medicine and nutrition, and treats patients throughout the Minneapolis and St. Paul area. Many of our health problems stem from underlying issues; whether it be an imbalance physically, mentally, or emotionally. Dr. Katie offers a unique approach to uncovering the cause of illness and creating individualized treatments. Cutting edge natural medicines provide successful outcomes. Taking the time to listen and understand your health concerns is something she does with each and every patient. Dr. Katie will be there to guide you down the path to better health, offering guidance for women’s health questions, PCOS, irregular periods, infertility, fertility, weight loss, digestive concerns, anxiety/depression, fatigue, nutrition, and more.
Naturopathy embodies her belief in the power of allowing our body to heal itself with the use of integrative medicine and nutrition. She was frustrated with the prescription drug model and felt that there had to be another way. After completing her B.S. in Nutrition Science at the University of Minnesota, Dr. Katie moved to Arizona. There, she attended the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (now Sonoran University) in Tempe and was the biochemistry TA and peer mentor.
Women’s medicine, chronic health concerns, dietary counseling, abused women, and the underserved community were her focus in Arizona. Working with a midwife and volunteering at a clinic in Mexico with Naturopaths Without Borders were experiences she won’t forget. Dr. Katie completed a month-long internship in California at the TrueNorth Health Center, a fasting clinic where she monitored very ill patients during a fast or detox. After completing her boards, Dr. Katie decided to brave the winters again and moved back to Minnesota in order to be closer to her friends and family. She is board-certified and registered in the state of Minnesota. Naturopathic Medicine is where her true passion lies, and she is very excited to be practicing in the Minneapolis and St. Paul area.
Dr. Katie and her husband Brian live in Victoria with their sons Macklin and Boden, and dog Romeo. As a Mom, Dr. Katie understands the challenges of fertility, pregnancy, being a parent, and raising healthy children.
For more information about why Dr. Katie chose to take a natural approach, listen to the interview she did with the Local Advice Givers.
Career Highlights
- Treasurer of the Minnesota Association of Naturopathic Physicians (MNANP)
- Biochemistry teaching assistant at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM)
- Vice President of the BNI South Metro Chapter
- Over 40 volunteer hours at a clinic in Mexico
- Peer Mentor for nutrition students at the University of Minnesota
- Internship at one of the leading fasting clinics in the country
- Numerous hours in a women’s shelter, and drug and rehab clinics throughout the Phoenix area – Article on Dr. Katie’s experience
Special Training
- Women’s Medicine
- Autoimmune Disease
- Clinical Nutrition
- Weight Loss
- Infertility
- Homeopathy
- Digestive Complaints
- Hormone Imbalance
- Botanicals / Herbs
- Postpartum
Other Interests
- Spending time with friends and family
- Playing outside with her kids
- Yoga, golf, staying active
- DIY home projects
- Gardening, reading
- Volunteering in the community
- Traveling