5 Foods Needed To Balance Your Hormones

Did you know that your diet can impact your hormones?! And I am not just talking about hormones like estrogen and testosterone, this includes thyroid and adrenal hormones too. The thyroid produces T3 and T4 [...]

By |2022-12-02T11:54:12-06:00July 29, 2014|Fertility, Holistic, Hormones, Infertility, Natural Treatments, PCOS|

14 Ways to Tip the Scale Back to Your 20s!

Did you make a resolution to start a healthier lifestyle? Do you feel overwhelmed with the information out there? Are you ready to start feeling better with a few simple changes? Do you want to [...]

By |2022-12-02T12:29:36-06:00January 27, 2014|Health, Holistic, Natural Treatments, Nutrition|

8 Tips to Improve your Fertility

Are you thinking about starting a family? Having problems with infertility? Frustrated that you aren't getting pregnant as quickly as you thought you would? After treating many patients, I've put together 8 tips to improve [...]

By |2022-12-02T12:34:03-06:00October 3, 2013|Fertility, Health, Holistic, Hormones, Infertility, Natural Treatments, PCOS|

Treating Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Naturally!

Defining and Treating Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – Naturally Have you ever experienced pain mid-cycle ("I thought cramps were only supposed to happen DURING my menses!?")? Do you have acne along your chin? Are you experiencing [...]

By |2022-12-02T12:37:51-06:00July 31, 2013|Health, Holistic, Hormones, Natural Treatments, PCOS|

Gluten Intolerance and Candida: What’s the Connection?

One question that is starting to rear its head is this: What is the connection between gluten intolerance and Candida overgrowth. Why is this question being asked now? Because studies are showing that Candida overgrowth [...]

By |2023-11-16T15:31:21-06:00June 17, 2013|Digestion, Health, Holistic, Natural Treatments, Nutrition|

Should I Be Gluten Free?!

"Gluten Free", "Celiac Friendly", "Gluten Sensitive", and "May contain Gluten" are a few phrases that are becoming more common in society today. But is this just another fad? Or is gluten a real problem?! First, [...]

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