Spring brings beautiful flowers, green grass, sunshine and the anticipation of summer. And, for some, it can bring the symptoms of spring allergies: sneezing, congestion, red eyes, itchy skin and eyes, and ear congestion to name a few. As a sufferer of seasonal allergies myself, I have great empathy for those of you who experience this, as well. The good news is that it’s not too late to start your NATURAL regimen for spring allergies. Over the counter medications can have unwanted side effects (racing heart, drowsiness, digestive problems, etc); however natural medicine can provide relief without the unwanted side effects. The key is to start EARLY. See below for some tips to start today!
In the mean time here are some tips:
1. Consider food allergy testing – food allergies can worsen your seasonal allergy symptoms
2. Increase your garlic and onion intake
3. Invest in a netti pot – I prefer the Neil Med Sinus Rinse – regular salt works just fine
4. Use your netti pot
5. Keep the house free of dust – carpet, drapes, ceiling fans, etc. Wood floors are best. Use natural cleaning supplies – look HERE for more info.
6. Change the filters in your home – hepa filters are best
7. Increase omega-3 fatty acids (fish, flax, walnuts…) and veggies
8. Decrease sugar and red meat – inflammatory foods
9. Change your pillow case often and avoid buying a new mattress during this time
10. Visit me for more information and guidance on natural treatments for spring allergies!