Fighting through depression can be an extremely trying challenge. You may struggle through day-to-day tasks, find getting out of bed difficult, or even experience physical symptoms. If you have a friend or loved one who is suffering from this frustrating condition, you probably think a lot about how to help someone with depression.

Finding ways to help your friend or loved one shows that you care and are there for support. Whether you’re looking into vitamin D deficiency depression or other causes and types of diagnoses, you may find yourself looking toward natural alternatives for treating depression.

Depression Treated Naturally

While depression has many different facets, including different causes, symptoms, and levels of severity, sometimes natural treatments can alleviate symptoms and help you feel better. Finding a treatment that works for you and enables you to overcome the daily battle you face is essential to your well being.

Exploring alternative options may help you in discovering the best plan to treat your depression. Whether you’re looking for help for yourself or helping someone else with depression, natural treatments can be an excellent choice.

If you are looking for holistic ways to care for your health and wellness, you will love the Naturopaths at Balanced Care.

At Balanced Care, we have a strong commitment to using the least invasive and most natural treatments possible. We encourage our patients to trust their bodies and the healing power of nature. We want to give you the tools you need to live a healthy lifestyle and understand preventative medicine.

With individualized plans, we treat each of our patients holistically and with care. There are many natural alternatives to treatments for various diseases and conditions, and we are here to help.

When it comes to depression treated naturally, take a look at these ideas and see how you can implement them into your treatment plan.

Start With Nutrition


Nutrition is at the base of the holistic approach to naturally treating many different conditions and diseases. Nutrition can lay the groundwork for a healthy lifestyle that presents in both physical and emotional aspects. Nutrition and diet can affect your mood.

Avoiding things like caffeine and alcohol can help make a difference in how you feel. While caffeine may give you the energy and pep, you think you need, and alcohol may cover your feelings, both only have short term effects and can trigger your depression. Both alcohol and caffeine can lead to mood swings, depression, and anxiety.

Ensuring you have a diet rich in magnesium and vitamin B-6 can help neurotransmitters in the brain produce more serotonin and dopamine. You can find natural sources of these vitamins in foods like legumes, whole grains, and green vegetables.


Exercise and physical activity is a fantastic way to address some of the symptoms of depression. Not only are the physical benefits fabulous for your health, but the mental benefits are plentiful as well.

Aerobic exercise specifically is an efficient way to release endorphins as well as reduce stress. A regular exercise routine can help maintain your mood. Exercising doesn’t have to be strictly joining a gym or going for a run every day.

Explore your options for physical activity, and find the one you enjoy the most and fits in with your lifestyle the best. The benefits of physical activity will make a difference in your daily life and how you feel.

Stay in the Light


Sunshine is more than just something to enjoy while you’re on vacation. It’s necessary to help regulate your sleep cycle, produce serotonin, and help elevate your mood. When the sun is out, make an effort to take a morning walk outside, or find a way to soak up some rays.

If the weather isn’t conducive to spending some time outdoors basking in the sun, you might find yourself suffering from vitamin D deficiency depression or even Seasonal Affective Disorder.

During the winter months where sunlight may be scarce, you may feel tired and down due to the drop in serotonin levels. To remedy this, you can look into light therapy, which can give you the same benefits of sunlight artificially, allowing you exposure to light and vitamin D even on the most overcast or darkest days.

Natural Supplements

Several natural supplements can help bolster mood and help fight depression. Many of these natural treatments have been in use for several years. Your Naturopathic doctor can provide you with information about these helpful supplements.

St John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is a traditional herb that can help with mild depression. The naturopathic professionals at Balanced Care can help you decide if this is an appropriate supplement to help treat your mild depression.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega -3 fatty acids help with brain development and promote brain function. Adding omega-3 fatty acids to your diet through fish oils or capsules is an effective way to increase your levels.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is found in leafy greens as well as fruits and grains. Folic acid may help with the effectiveness of antidepressants. You can find an oral supplement to take if you don’t get enough through your diet.

Let Balanced Care Help — Depression Treated Naturally

Natural treatments for depression can help you feel more like yourself and help you fight this debilitating condition. With natural alternatives, you can empower yourself to take a healthy approach to your mental well-being — depression treated naturally.

If you are searching for alternative methods for treating your depression and want something natural, let the professionals at Balanced Care assist you by developing an individualized treatment plan that’s right for you. We strive to treat each disease holistically and bring you the least invasive and toxic solutions.

Contact us today and set up an appointment to start your journey to natural wellness. We look forward to meeting with you and providing you with natural remedies and preventative care. We will help you reach your health goals and achieve the level of wellness you’ve been searching for, naturally.