Feeling Rundown? Try These Natural Energy Boosters

Next time you need quick energy, replace caffeine and refined sugar with natural energy boosters from herbs, food and lifestyle choices. Many of us deal with an “afternoon slump” that leaves us tired, unfocused [...]

Self-Care Methods for Kids – A Guide

This article is one of many informative pieces on wellness that you can find on Balanced Care’s website. Balanced Care is a naturopathic clinic with located in the Twin cities in Edina, Minnesota. By: Anya [...]

By |2022-12-01T09:39:35-06:00April 5, 2022|Children, Health, Holistic, Mental Health, Natural Treatments|

Tired of Eczema? Natural Treatments For Eczema!

I think of our skin as an external reflection of what is happening internally. As naturopaths, our goal is to find the root cause of dysfunction to eliminate presenting symptoms. The causes of eczema may [...]

By |2022-12-05T11:39:06-06:00May 20, 2020|Allergies, Digestion, Health, Holistic, Natural Treatments, Skin|

Life Hacks and Self-Care for Women

As women, we face more stress each day than we would ever let on. Between workplace discrimination, relationship issues, raising a family, and concerns about our nutrition and overall health. No wonder women are twice [...]

Hormones and Infertility

For most women, starting a family is one of the most joyous times in life. For some women, however the pain of infertility can turn one of life’s greatest joys into an emotional and heart-wrenching [...]

By |2022-12-01T10:36:36-06:00August 29, 2017|Fertility, Health, Holistic, Hormones, Infertility, Natural Treatments, PCOS|

The Insulin – Cortisol Connection

Do you have stress in your life? I think it would be fair to say that we are stressed at varying levels. But how does stress and insulin affect your energy, weight, cravings, or fat [...]

By |2022-12-02T11:33:02-06:00February 11, 2016|Fertility, Health, Holistic, Hormones, Mental Health, Natural Treatments, PCOS|

5 Post-Partum Home Care Tips

Post-partum home care tips from Jen Wittes of Welcome Baby Care 1. DIY Sitz Bath Relax with our first post-partum home care tip. There are many Sitz Bath “mixes” on the market, as well as [...]

Strength Training and Cardiovascular Health

Strength Training and Cardiovascular Health information from Discover Strength This post is from  Discover Strength  a premier personal training gym. They focus on science-based strength training with time-efficient affordable workouts. Dr. Katie trains with them and [...]

By |2022-12-02T11:39:15-06:00August 18, 2015|Drink, Health, Holistic, Mental Health, Natural Treatments|
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